Frequently asked questions

Here you will find frequently asked questions and the answers. Do you have any other questions? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Basic questions about AureusDrive

The terms e-bike, pedelec or s-pedelec are often written, but what exactly is the difference?

E-bike is the umbrella term for a bicycle that incorporates an electric motor to assist muscle power. Pedelec is a category of an e-bike and supports the rider up to a speed of 25 km/h. The S-pedelec category supports the rider at speeds of up to 45 km/h.

Enjoy the airstream at 45 kmh while reducing CO2. An e-bike needs 0.5 kWh of energy for 30 km, whereas a diesel vehicle needs 15 kWh for the same distance. That’s a factor of 30 less energy!

On average, a commuter by car emits 0.8 tons of CO2 per year – equivalent to 10% of CO2 per capita emissions according to the production principle. If 50% of commuters switch from cars to e-bikes, Switzerland’s CO2 emissions from transport will be reduced by 15% – 2.5 million tons – with an increase in quality of life, more exercise, better health and figure and business-friendly.

AureusDrive’s goal is affordable, robust and stylish e-vehicles for all. In addition to our mission, we offer services such as pick-up service, telephone assistance, low-cost service and low-cost replacement rental e-bikes. We believe we can move more people from cars to e-bikes with low-cost e-bikes. Try it out too…

The upside down A in the logo has its origin from mathematics and means for all. AureusDrive wants to develop e-bikes for the masses that are suitable for everyone.

  1. AureusDrive relies on proven and robust technology for its components. In order to offer our customers the best price-performance ratio, the components were also selected according to this principle.
  2. We distribute our e-bikes ourselves without intermediaries. This allows us to offer our customers a lower price than our competitors.
  3. We deliberately did without additional features such as Bluetooth communication, 24-speed shifting or GPS tracking. Our g45c is simply e-bike.

Your e-bike from AureusDrive has a 3-year warranty on all components and the frame, excluding wear parts. For the battery, we guarantee 60% capacity after 2 years.

We supply the e-bikes in white, black.

If your AureusDrive e-bike has a defect, you don’t have to worry, just contact us or an AureusDrive partner for a repair. In severe cases, we will have your e-bike picked up.


AureusDrive relies on direct sales. The e-bikes can be ordered here in our online store or at our local test ride partners

You can sign up for a test drive here ! We are building a network of testing stations and service partners. Simply indicate the desired location on the registration form.

Yes, our partners cooperate with various leasing companies such as KBC, O2O, Lease a Bike, VDW Lease.